More Than 50 Years of Experience

The journey with MIAU commenced with a brand registered long ago, marking the genesis of their entrepreneurial endeavor. The resounding success swiftly propelled them into the spotlight, witnessing sales skyrocket and demand surge. At the pinnacle of their operation, an astounding 150,000 MIAU packages were dispatched from Madrid each month.

Amidst the whirlwind of business, they found solace in entrusting the legacy of MIAU into the capable hands of their successors. Today, as they revisit the company, the same enthusiasm that fueled their early days resonates within them. MIAU embodies more than just a brand; it encapsulates their unwavering commitment to excellence, resilience in the face of challenges, and the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship that courses through their family’s veins.

The transition of MIAU to the next generation signifies a passing of the torch, a testament to their dedication and perseverance. As they witness the continued growth and success of MIAU under new leadership, they take pride in the enduring legacy they have built, knowing that the essence of their hard work and passion will continue to thrive for generations to come.